15 February 2024
In the context of the legal process underway between the shareholders, Viva Wallet notes that: “The Company is not involved in any legal process with any of its Shareholders and continues following its growth path dynamically and consistently.“
In the context of the legal process underway between the shareholders, Viva Wallet notes that: “The Company is not involved in any legal process with any of its Shareholders and continues following its growth path dynamically and consistently.
Viva Wallet is in an enviable position, having Shareholders who share a keen interest to own its successful growth, given its innovative business offering with a strong market position:
Viva Wallet plans to continue growing in Europe and expand to the US, as part of the agreed Strategy, clearly defined in the Shareholder Agreement between the Company, the majority controlling shareholder - WeRealize -, and the minority non-controlling shareholder - J.P. Morgan.
For Viva Wallet it is business as usual. The Company continues to grow in line with its strategy, which has been mutually agreed by its two shareholders.”