Tap on Any Device
Accept payments through 985+ device types.
This solution offers a secure and cost-effective alternative to traditional payment devices.
Tap On Phone
Turn your phone into a card terminal with viva.com.
Download the viva.com | Terminal app and start accepting payments on your phone today.
- Enter the payment amount into your viva.com | Terminal app.
- Tap your customer's payment card or mobile device onto the back of your phone to process their card details.
- Once the card processing is complete, your money is settled into your viva.com | Account instantly.
Mobile / Handheld
Accept payments on the go, increase your reach and expand your customer base. Mobile and handheld devices offer a cost-effective alternative to traditional payment devices, eliminating the need for expensive hardware and equipment.
Tablets offer unique advantages to businesses when used with viva.com's payment solutions. These devices provide a larger screen, enabling businesses to showcase their products and services more effectively to customers.
Desktop / Corporate devices
By integrating our Tap on Any Device technology, any corporate device or desktop terminal becomes the ideal devices for businesses with high transaction volumes.
Unattended terminals
With viva.com's payment solutions, unattended terminals offer a secure and reliable payment experience, minimising the risk of fraud and ensuring the safety of sensitive customer information.
Do you need a card terminal?
Why us
Transaction Fees
Minimise Transaction Fees by using the viva.com business debit card for expenses.
Offline Payments
Offline? No problem. Our Offline Payments feature ensures uninterrupted service during Internet outages.
Real-Τime Settlement
Instant settlement of transactions, 365 days per year on your viva.com | Account.
Accept 40+ payment methods
Get in touch
Ready to start accepting payments on any device?
¹ Tap on Any Device: Any device type out of the 985+ supported device types. More devices to be added soon.
² See the countries that Tap to Pay on iPhone is currently available here.
³ Our offline payment feature ensures that you can accept payments anytime, from Visa, Mastercard and AMEX if you’re a viva.com | Account owner.
⁴ 0% is only for viva.com | Account owners and viva.com business debit card owners. Rules apply.